Marketing In Public Day 14

Journey on getting 1000 Twitter followers

I am learning by doing - documenting winnings and failings
Maybe inspire you to take action!

Hashtags #buildinpublic #indiehackers


  • Twitter followers: from 89 to 95!
  • Tweets: 724 to 780 tweets


  • More tweets, but less exposure.
  • Seems like you get an "amount of initial visibility"
  • Own portrait instead of company logo
  • Instead of replying, make a tweet and tweet that - seems to work
  • Went back to find interesting people, follow and comment - seems to work

New Following 1/2

  • @SaaSVenturer already followed me. Great tweets about SaaS
  • @Alfie_Scribe interesting combi of psychology and buildinpublic
  • @MorganTayDotcom clear tweets, marketing guy. Probably lots I can learn

New Following 2/2

  • @david__wright Interesting guy on the same journey as me. Good tips.
  • @itsmeivoo young guy seems like he is bettering himself super fast.
  • @jeffsvicarovich wholesome guy, just spreading joy. Thanks Jeff!

Interesting? Yes then follow us here:

My DM is open for suggestions