How to grow your Twitter following?

Frankly, I have no idea, but here you can join us on this journey together.

Why walk this journey with me?

  1. Learn by example
  2. Hopefully get inspired
  3. Have great fun!

Who am I?

  • Founder of a small software company called Tiger Team X
  • Previously we focused exclusively on client work
  • Now we are also developing our own products

Game plan

  • Spend at least 1 hour a day on cultivating organic following - weekends included
  • Learn from those who've recently walked the path
  • Document the process as "Marketing in Public"
  • Experiment - right balance between learning and doing

Our Audience

  • Decision makers and software developers who can benefit from our tools
  • Bitcoin Folks - Bitcoin-related software coming soon

They are:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Solopreneurs
  • Software developers
  • Builders in general
  • Tech Leads
  • Managers
  • Bitcoiners

Day 00

Day 00 Status

  • Initial Twitter followers: 42
  • Growth after day: ??
  • Percentage growth ??/42=


No observations just yet!

Follow us on the journey

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If not hit me a DM on Twitter why not and what to improve